By Mike Coates
Boundary Park Journal
October 3,2013

 On January 26, 1700 a 9.0 magnitude  earthquake and tsunami  struck British Columbia, Washington,  Oregon and California. It was the same magnitude earthquake that in 2011 struck Japan killing and injuring thousands of people.

When a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurs again in BC your survival during and after the quake will depend on how well you are prepared.  Hopefully,you will survive the quake without serious injury but remember  survival is just the beginning of your problems.
Police, fire, ambulance and other first responders, owing to overwhelming demand, will be unable to offer assistance during the first 72 hours after the quake.
All bridges and Massey Tunnel will be closed to all traffic for at least one week to enable structural engineers to inspect them. Roads will be closed to all traffic with the exception emergency first responders.
People in their vehicles at the time of the quake will have to remain in them for at least 72 hours without food, water or emergency supplies. Those who work and live on opposite sides of the Fraser River will be unable to return home until the bridges and tunnel have been declared safe.
You will be without electric power, telephone and cellular service. If the cellular service is still working you will not be able to use it as it will be overloaded with calls. There will be no natural gas nor will you be able to buy gasoline for your vehicle.
Municipal, Provincial and Federal authorities will rely on social media to communicate, utilizing Twitter and Facebook. If you don't have a smart phone you have a problem.
Stores that are not damaged will open but owing to power outages will be unable to accept debit or credit cards as a form of payment. Bank ATM's will also be closed so people without cash will be unable to purchase food or emergency supplies.
Those who take the time to plan, prepare and practice for an earthquake will be far better off than those who do not.
On Thursday October 17, 2013 at 10:17 am join over 500,000 British Columbians in the Great British Columbia Shake Out drill.
Everything you need to know to prepare and participate can be found at SHAKE OUT BC

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