We Snoop to Conquer - Retailers adopt spy technology

Anyone who has used a computer for researching products or services online knows that our every key stroke is being recorded and monitored. When ordering books or albums online from Amazon or itunes you have no doubt noticed the plethora of similar type titles by either the same or similar authors and artists that pops up on the monitor when making your purchase. This is how online intelligence gathering is being used.

Technology has given online retailers a tremendous advantage over bricks and mortar retail business that until now has not had technological intelligence gathering ability.

This intelligence gathering has now migrated to the retail store where consumers facial expressions, body temperature and physical movements are now being monitored and tracked, not necessarily by the shop owners but by private security and intelligence gathering organizations who have been contracted to gather this intelligence.

The article  "We Snoop to Conquer"  published in a recent edition of  the Economist details the use of this new intelligence gathering technology.

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